Talks & Video


Ohio LinuxFest

KEYNOTE: How Will You Steer Your Open Source Career?

2017: (Hobart, Tasmania)

WOOTConf keynote: Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Rock Star Developers:

Documentation miniconf: Stephen King’s practical advice for tech writers:

The proper care and feeding of communities and carnivorous plants:

Law & Policy miniconf: A Layperson’s Guide for Talking about Free Software Law

2016: (Geelong, Victoria, Australia)

Speaking their language: How to write for technical and non-technical audiences:


OSCON 2016 Open Source Award Winners:

LinuxCon (Toronto)

Community Building on an Open Source Platform

Stephen King’s Practical Advice for Tech Writers

All Things Open (Raleigh, NC)

Speaking Their Language: How to write for technical and non-technical audiences


LinuxCon EU (Dublin)

Speaking Their Language: How to Write for Technical and Non-Technical Audiences

Keynote: DjangoCon (Austin, Texas)

Moderator of DjangoCon authors panel

LinuxCon North America (Seattle)

Why be a rock star developer when you can be a Willie Nelson

Ignite talk: OSCON 2015

Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be rockstar developers:

ApacheCon Austin

Community Building the Open Source Way

Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 13x)

Confessions of a Reluctant Tweeter – Social Media for Open Source Projects


All Things Open (Raleigh, NC)

Social Media for Slackers (Lightning talk):

SCaLE 12x (The 12th Annual Southern California Linux Expo)

You know, for kids! 7 tips for improving tech education in our schools

LinuxFest NorthWest (Bellingham, WA)

You know, for kids! 7 Tips for Improving Tech Education

Texas Linux Fest (Austin, TX)

What Communities Can Learn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(Previous two talks were also at SouthEast LinuxFest 2014)

LinuxCon North America

You Know, for Kids! 7 Ideas for Improving Tech Education in Schools
LinuxCon North America 2014

Getting Recognition for Your Open Source Project/Product (LinuxCon panel: Joseph Eckert, ownCloud; Rikki Endsley, Red Hat; Frank Karlitschek, ownCloud; Mike Maney, ManeyDigital; Moderated By Joe “Zonker” Brockmeier, Red Hat)



How to Recruit, Hire, and Retain a Diverse Team

Slashdot video interview: A Chat With USENIX Community Manager Rikki Endsley (Video)
